At Direct Finance Loans we understand that just because you have outstanding bills or have had some issues in the past, that doesn’t necessarily make you a bad consumer. We know that life can throw unexpected events your way like illness or loss of employment which may have severely affected your financial situation in the past. You may have had finance applications rejected in the past due to poor credit history, even if it was for mistakes made many years ago.
It can sometimes be difficult to secure a bad credit loan, especially on short notice. We offer an online application process which is quick and simple and you will deal with a team of experienced loan consultants who aim to provide you with a convenient loan solution.
Your credit history is only one factor in our loan approval process as we also take into consideration your current situation and loan serviceability. So if you have a stable income and can afford to service a loan we will still consider your application even if you have a poor credit history.
If you are looking to improve your credit rating and are simply looking for a second chance, apply online now and let our dedicated team of consultant’s help you apply for a bad credit loan today.